Calendar of Events - Foothills Craft Guild, Inc.

December 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Member Booth Reservations for Nov
10/31/2024 - 11/3/2024
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Events in the month of December 2024
Bi-monthly meeting of the board of directors.
All GUILD MEMBERS are welcome to attend to listen and/or ask questions.

We encourage members to come along and get involved.
This event is for GUILD MEMBERS ONLY.
Creatives Creating - bring your own project to work onIn honor of Ann Lacava we celebrate craft and craftspeople the 2nd Monday every month. Come join our Artists

Bring a covered dish to share and we'll start the holidays with work, play and food! And of course; bring your craft project wo work on! We're here all day 10-5 come and go at your leisure. We provide a place to play with good lighting and a great creative community.

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